The Tony Robbins Diet
Find Out Why The Tony Robbins Diet Is Great For Vibrant Health
The Tony Robbins alkaline diet was created by Tony Robbins who was born Anthony J Mahavorick. His diet follows the work of Robert O. Young. They both believe the body has too little acid in it due to the normal diet and that is why people are fat. So the new diet encourages people to eat more vegetables, but it is a vegetarian diet. He also believes that people need to drink alkaline water. He also believes that people must exercise to learn proper breathing and increase the body’s oxygen intake. While weight loss will occur under this diet, the point of this diet is to increase energy. He emphasizes those practicing this diet envision success for his or her future.
Tony Robins History
Tony Robbins first started his career as he describes as a peak performance coach teaching that happiness is how we live not what we have. He then worked with John Grinder teaching neuro-linguistic programming. This program teaches breathing and not to combine carbohydrate and protein foods. This program teaches self-awareness and effective communication. Mr. Robbins is the author of two books, Unlimited Power: The New Science of Personal Achievement and Awaken the Giant Within. He claims to have worked with many notable individuals including Nelson Mandela, Mikhail Gorbachev and Bill Clinton.
Foods to Avoid
Those practicing this diet are urged to avoid certain foods. Scientists know that high levels of uric acid in the body produce many unhealthy effects on the body. The most serious of these is gout. People with low energy also need to examine their diets.
Foods that need to be avoided include eggs. All meat should be avoided. All seafood should be avoided. Yeast is another culprit. Yeast can be hidden in alcohol as well as breads. Those choosing to eat a low acid diet should also not eat lentils. They should limit the amount of caffeine intake. All processed foods should be avoided.
Components of the diet
The first component of the diet is to eat only vegetables and fruit. Specifically those on the diet should eat fruits and vegetables that are high in fiber. Eating this diet will encourage regular bowel movement which is the body detoxifying itself.
The second component of the program is exercise at least four times per week. It also lowers cholesterol and burn fat. Mr. Robbins encourages those on his diet to participate in organized sports for the fun. He believes the best form of exercise is aerobic exercises. He believes sweating releases toxins and that the exercise will encourage our bodies to create the right amount of acid.
The third component of his diet is to drink alkaline water. This is water with lemon or lime in it. He believes that those on his diet should drink a minimum of three liters of water a day.
The fourth component of his diet includes goal setting. He believes that by setting goals we are more positive individuals with more energy.
Tony Robbins alkaline diet is based on creating the right amount of acid in our bodies. He advocates eating only vegetables and fruits while drinking alkaline water. He believes in doing aerobic exercise at least four times a week preferably in a group setting. He believes that people need to set positive goals.